Sunday 27 December 2009

Who's the biggest p***k in this town?

About a year after my divorce that had left me a single mum to two young very children at the age of 21, this was the question the man fitting my new kitchen asked his brother. He was trying to get him to guess who I had been married to. To my amazement (but no real surprise) he got it right first time.

I'm not saying this to be mean to my ex-husband, but just to put you in the picture about the kind of person he was. Him and his rather large family were very well known in the town and he was seen as being a bit of an idiot. Harmless enough, unless you were one of his ex-wives or many illegitimate children, but a p***k all the same.

Why did I marry him? Well I was extremely young, naive and a little bit stupid myself at the time. Oh and I probably did it to spite my parents who tried everything in their power to keep us apart.

After my divorce I was a young, single mum living on a Council Estate full of other single mums and their usually no-good boyfriends. This is my story of what I got up to in those early years and what I did to improve mine and my children's life so that they didn't end up in the same situation in the future.